# Basic Pavlovian learning (demo script www.learningsimulator.org) # Learning mechanism: Rescola Wagner # This script contains the classical experiment of Pavlov's dog # The bell is the conditioned stimulus (CS) # The food is the unconditioned stimulus (US) # Salivation is the conditioned response (CR) n_subjects : 1 mechanism : rw behaviors : ignore,cr stimulus_elements : bell,food start_vss : default:0 alpha_vss : 0.1 beta : 1 lambda : food:10, default: 0 @phase Experiment stop: bell=100 CS bell | US US food | CS @run Experiment Title: Strength of S-S association @figure @subplot 111 {'xlabel':'Trial number', 'ylabel':'S-S association'} xscale: bell subject: average @vssplot bell->food {'linewidth':2, 'color':'black'}