Download the simulator by following the instructions below. Once you have started the learning simulator, you are ready to create your first script or download a demo-script from the script database.
The documentation for the Learning Simulator can be found here.
The Learning Simulator is developed at the Centre for Cultural Evolution at Stockholm University. When using this software in research, please cite as:
Jonsson, Ghirlanda, Lind & Enquist, Learning Simulator, (2020), GitHub repository,
To download the Learning Simulator for Windows, you can use the executable that is available on Github. Please follow these steps:
Click Download Simulator below
You will get to a Github page. Click Code and then Download Zip
Unzip the zip-file on your computer
Run the executable learningsimulator.exe. The simulator will open and you are ready to write your first script!
For more detailed information on how to download the Simulator for Windows, please click Installation Guide for Windows below.
To download the simulator for Mac, you need to install the simulator, Python and Matplotlib separately. Please follow the next steps:
Install Python
Install the latest Python version here
On the webpage, select the latest Python version and install
Install Matplotlib
Open a new 'Terminal app'-window on your computer
Type in the following command: pip3 install matplotlib. Matplotlib will now be installed
Download the Simulator:
Click the Download Simulator-button below
Use the green button Code and click Download ZIP on the Github page
Make sure to unzip the files in this folder on your computer
Start the Simulator:
To start the simulator, go to the folder where you unzipped the files from Github.
Here you will find a file named Open this with Idle and run the Python script (Fn+F5). The simulator will open and you are ready to write your first script!
For more information on how to install the Learning Simulator software for Mac, please click Installation Guide for Mac below.
To download the simulator for Linux, you need to install the simulator, Python and Matplotlib separately. Please follow the next steps:
Install Python
Install the latest Python version here
On the webpage, select the latest Python version and install
Install Matplotlib
Open a Linux prompt
Type the following command into the Linux prompt:
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U matplotlib
(Replace python with python3 and pip with pip3 if needed.)
Download the Simulator:
Click the Download Simulator button below
Use the green button Code and click Download ZIP on the Github page
Make sure to unzip the file
Start the Simulator:
To open the simulator, go to the folder where you unzipped the files from Github.
Here you will find a file named
Type python into the Python interpreter. The simulator will open and you are ready to write your first script!
For more information on how to install the Learning Simulator software for Linux, please click Installation Guide for Linux below.