Since 2018 we have used the learning simulator for educational purposes on the course 'Human Behaviour: Biology and Culture'. This is a master's level course within the Ethology program at Stockholm University. Within the course, one full day consisting of lectures, discussions and a computer lab, is spent on learning about the simulator and learning mechanisms in animals.
During the lecture, students learn about the basic principles of learning theory and how different learning mechanisms can explain various behaviours in animals. Besides, they get an introduction to working with the simulator software. The lectures are followed by a discussion of these topics.  More information and course material will be available here soon!
In the computer lab, the students get the chance to work with the simulator themselves and apply their knowledge on learning theory. They simulate acquisition and extinction of behaviour, learning of behaviour sequences and various social learning scenarios. Click the button below to look at the guide from the computer lab. The scripts that the students use will be available here soon!